Thursday, 27 July 2017

Artefact for PBL

I have been doing my Artefact the last 3 day at school with Amelie.  The thing I found was to managing distractions behind me. The thing I most enjoyed was painting with Amelie because we got mucky.  My Artefact is a diorama about birds. Its purpose is to teach people about birds. I made it using paint,paper, pencils and pens. I used my managing distractions well by keeping on working even now there was distraction behind me.    

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Digital Graffiti Name

Today I have been doing my name art. I did my name on Graffiti Creator. My friend Amelie helped me. The colours I used were Aqua, purple, blue and pink . We were making them because we were going to put them on our tote- tray.